Ashley Greene A Role Model After Nude Leak?

For the May editions of the magazine, there will be additional covers from Emma Stone and another from Freida Pinto of Slumdog Millionaire. All of the covers have a Spring-appropriate coloured retro theme, but Stone is the only one whose panties aren’t showing. There are some interview snippets below from Greene, in which she pretends to be a role model because, ‘There are younger girls who look up to me,’ totally ignoring the naked pictures she took of herself that leaked in 2009; setting the best example, pre-Teen Mom. To be honest, it’s more entertaining to stare at the Magic Eye bikini bottoms, that two of the girls are wearing, to see if you can spot the pirate ship (the new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie poster can be seen in Green’s crotch, if you just stare hard enough).

* Ashley Greene on how she avoids the pitfalls of the Hollywood party scene: ‘I keep to the ground rules. I’m not going to get drunk at a bar. There are younger girls who look up to me. So I do my best not to stray too far.’
* Greene on misguided career goals: ‘I started in modeling. [At first] I wanted to be a lawyer. I realized I don’t really want to be a lawyer. I want to play a lawyer. Thank God I figured that out.’
* Greene on her career, post-Twilight: ‘It is difficult because people look at you as that character. I want to play a role of a 24-year-old woman, not 17-year-old girls. So I have picked a couple of films like Butter to show that. And it’s perfectly fine not to do anything for a year if I don’t find the right thing.’
* Greene on how everything is fate: ‘I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason.’ I’m not saying it wasn’t hard. I lived off Lean Cuisine and had no furniture and shared a bedroom with a girl for a year. I ran up my credit card. But every time I thought, I’m [not] going to fail; something happened that kept me here.’


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